My African Safari

The motivation It was in one of the episodes of Survivor: Africa (US TV series) when I first saw how an actual African Safari is done and I could still remember how it made me feel at that time. The player who won was up for some breath-taking reward after he arduously knocked down his opponents…

What good does travelling do to me?

What good does travelling do to me?  There is no question that I travel in order to marvel at places, people, and things. That is very rudimentary and most of the people could easily relate and agree. I found the time to write this because my mind is drifting away (once again) into some places…


With the terrible fate that millions of my countrymen & women are now reluctantly facing, after one of the world’s strongest typhoons struck home, I was compelled to ask God a series of questions. Why did you not command the storm to stop? Why did it have to be one disaster after another? What is…

Hands and Feet

I had to squeeze every ounce of my charm just to get my father’s approval on my trip to Africa. To him, it was the most outrageous idea his only child has ever asked permission for. After a while, his heart melted when he saw the photos and discreetly gave me a two-thumbs up. I…

Beijing: a quick look

Best things: –          I say about 40% of my budget was left unspent. Beijing was surprisingly pocket-friendly. Tip: Get around on a subway and grab delish meal at a local eat. –          Most, if not all, of the important places and heritage sites are easily accessible by subway. By the way, the city has a…

Preparing for Beijing

A part of me is whispering to put this post on hold until I’m granted the Chinese tourist visa, which in fact I hadn’t accomplished yet. But I am so looking forward for my holiday and I am too amped up not to put my feelings into writing it might burst. At the same time,…

Spelunking: My first and definitely not my last

Our subsequent itinerary led us to the laid-back and tranquil town of Sagada in the Mountain Province that has wetted the appetites of many for its interesting ethnic practices of hanging coffins in a valley or burying their dead on a cave, its majestic and stunning sunrises, and its offers for adrenaline-booster cave explorations, among…

How did I feel seeing the Eiffel?

France is almost all the world’s most loved nation, although quite frankly, my affection towards this beautiful country developed in a much later time (only when I left overseas) and hadn’t really put much attention to it (and everything about it) beforehand. Perhaps, because Philippines is pretty much highly Americanized, from TV shows, movies, music…

Where there is serenity and peace, there is healing

I have to admit, it was the loneliest I’ve ever been after that tragic encounter. I am not talking about my experience in Angkor Wat. I am but describing my emotions at the time when my then boyfriend decided to tread on a different path. It was too unprecedented that family and friends mourned for…

Broken-hearted in Siem Reap

Oh how could I ever forget the memorable Siem Reap – my place of refuge when I was in the state of personal calamity? As they say, don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.  I should have listened. Looking back, I thought everything in my life was it. My then boyfriend and I (along with…